Why do I keep walking this same road when I know how it ends?
It's often easier to follow in patterns of familiarity, even though it hurts, than it is to carve out a new direction. Fear, habit, or maybe even denial convinces me that this time it will be different. But it isn't.
What is odd is that I frequently forget why I embarked on these cycles in the first place. Was it comfort? Was it a fear of change? Or was it just the overwhelming pull of memories, some good and some bad, which keeps me tied to the past?
There's something haunting about forgetting yourself. You're a little stranger to your own reflection caught between who you were, and who you're meant to be. And, yet, even in this haze, a small voice still whispers: It doesn't have to be this way.
Isn't it blame, blame myself, nor others.
It’s about understanding that forgetting is human, but remembering is where healing begins. If I’ve been here before, I can leave.
The road ahead may still feel uncertain, but one thing is clear: I don’t have to stay lost forever.